The following operations are presented here. Once the driver is succesfully registered with the driver manager a connection is established by creating a Java Connection object with the following code. The example below illustrates running a simple SQL using this class. A DatabaseMetaData object can be obtained from the Connection object by the code below. In some cases it is necessary for the application to recover from a database error. If you are developing an application on JDBC interface for one kind of database engine this is seldom if ever necessary. When not in autocommit mode each transaction needs to be explicitly committed before the modifications it made can be seen to other database connections. soliddb jdbc

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When not in autocommit mode each transaction needs to be explicitly committed before the modifications it made can be seen to other database connections.

Connecting to IBM solidDB

The state can be set by Connection. Many database servers only support stepping through the result set in a single direction and therefore prev has been left out of the standard. The reader is expected to have the basic knowledge of following subjects.

soliddb jdbc

The default value is Connecting to the database Once the driver is succesfully registered with the driver manager a connection is established by creating a Java Connection object with the following code. The code expects a Connection object conn to be established. A DatabaseMetaData object can be obtained from the Connection object by the code below. It is possible to improve the performance of reading large result sets by instructiong SOLID Server to return several rows of the result set in jdnc network message.

For example, a unique key constraint violation can be recovered by assigning the row a different key. Class DatabaseMetadData contains information about the database behind the connection. Timestamp 96,1,2,11,11,11,0 ; pstmt.

If you are developing an application to run on several database engines the application can obtain necessary information about the database through DatabaseMetadData. Once the driver is succesfully registered with the driver manager a connection is established by creating a Java Connection object with the following code.

soliddb jdbc

The primary reason is because many databases do not support bi-directional cursors. Many have argued, though, that a well-written object oriented program should not need to step backwards through a ResultSet, and that doing so may be either inefficient or result in unreliable data results.

Executing a simple statement Following code expects that a Connection object conn is established before calling the code. The code also extracts database product name to string sName and all the views in the database to ResultSet rTables.

solidDB® JDBC Driver

Optimizing the Query Performance. There a is next but no prev. Usually this information is necessary for application development tools not actual applications.

The parameter required by the DriverManager. JDBC interface is included in the java. The parameter required by Class.

Executing a simple statement. If autocommit mode is off the transactions can be committed by two ways.

Before starting programming verify the installation by running and compiling the sample application. The autocommit state can be monitored by Connection. Following code expects that a Connection object conn is established before calling the code. Then the code loops through jrbc result set and prints the data in each column in each row by using getString method.

The driver can be registered with the three alternative ways, which are shown below.

soliddb jdbc

A database native error code will be assigned to variable ec. The example below illustrates running a simple SQL using this class. Date 96,1,2 ; java. The JDBC driver manager, which is written entirely in Java, handles loading and unloading drivers and interfacing connection requests with the appropriate driver.

The following operations are presented here.


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