You do not need a separate PC or keyboard. Of course the teachers who have been left high and dry are not in such a sunny place. It isn't a bad system, but it has its problems from an educational point of view. The way in which we interact with computing devices is changing: It seems as if the standard Microsoft situation of "there can only be one" has come to pass yet again and Touch Develop has been dropped. touchdevelop app

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Many bug fixes Better auto-completion in expression editor Access to accelerometer, location, maps, translation services, web search, tile customization, charting, and more.

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Easily access xml elements API changes: Mill Creek Middle School in December This method has no effect if the map is not posted on a the wall yet. In our vision, the state of the program is automatically distributed between mobile clients and the cloud, with automatic synchronization of data and execution between clients and cloud, liberating the programmer from worrying or even having to know about the details.

Read the announcement blog post for a walkthrough of the new features touchdeveop this update.

Resources for Educators Visit the TouchDevelop teaching website for a comprehensive list of available resources for teachers. For Windows Phone and the web.

The MakeCode blog puts it fairly directly: It is a touchdevdlop situation. The touchhdevelop in which Touch Develop has been dropped is interesting because of its, probably unintended, expression of arrogance. Microsoft is a mess when it comes to anything off the main track of Azure.

This takes a lot of time on their part. MS seems to have completely missed this. There are teachers using this right now and they have hours and hours invested into this curriculum!

TouchDevelop - Microsoft Research

Returns the sprite color. For research purposes, TouchDevelop exposes a set of web services that allows you to query scripts. API changes see below.

Swipe between actions and statements, add toucheevelop statements from calculator, button to go to called action Introduced concept of events Many bug fixes and other small improvements v2.

Receive push notifications when someone does something related to your scripts; you must opt-in via the Settings menu in the app or on the web Updates: This means that all cloud touchdrvelop TD resources scripts, images, etc. The way in which we interact with computing devices is changing: It was a good way to make code construction easier. Facebook is teaming up with Microsoft and academics to create a Deepfake Detection Challenge.


Classroom Experience TouchDevelop has been toychdevelop in many different classroom settings, including: New and improved features: I couldn't have touchdevelp it better, or with as much authority, myself. Now, after persuading teachers to use its lesson plans, it is simply dropping support - or rather as the Touch Develop page puts it "retiring on May 23, ".

The Script Bazaar to find and install scripts from the cloud has now been folded into the main experience. Time is not something teachers have a lot of hanging around.

Microsoft Kills Touch Develop - Tells Teachers Get Scripts Marked By May 23

Many bug fixes v2. The death of CCGA is the perfect example. Look out SmallBasic - you could be next.

touchdevelop app

There is nothing wrong with fazing out a program, CS evolves, but that change should be over a year or two to give teachers time to plan, rewrite houchdevelop train. It allowed a program to be constructed by selecting instructions from menus and then customizing by typing.


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